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Hours of operation:
Every day, open all year



Dog running

After we evaluate your pets overall fitness level and activity needs, with your approval we recommend one of our running programs for your dog(s).

Our 20 minutes routine consists of continuous running which can equal up 2 miles or more depending on the size and ability of the dog. All dogs are leash-led on the run as their safety is our number 1 priority.

Our 30 minute routine meets the needs of active dogs capable of putting in some distance. Your pet will usually cover 2-4 miles during this running program. Again it depends on the breeds' size and fitness levels. Rarely are we ever in the lead happyface!

Our 40 minute routine is for a very active dog requiring a good deal of exercise to tire them out. Distances covered during this session range from 3-5 miles or more! This is for dogs with the temperment to keep a consistent pace with our runner. These are most beneficial to your dogs wellness and overall fitness plan.

Please give us a call for a rate quote or setup a visit to meet your runner. This initial consultation is free, without obligation!




Exercise playtime